Category Archives: cupcakes

Highcharts Treemap jsfiddle

I’ve been working with Highcharts a bit and they recently came out with a pretty cool Treemap chart. Here is a JSFiddle of a treemap that has a breadcrumb-style navigation (Treemap comes with a built-in navigation button, but it’s not super customizable). I built this one using BackboneJS.

The data comes from my cupcake post from last year and shows a breakdown of the number of free cupcakes that have ganache (instead of frosting) by day of the week each month.

If You Like Frosting, Go to Georgetown Cupcake on Monday

On a chilly Friday in March, my coworker, Bekah, wrapped up my team’s daily status meeting with our new ritual: she opened Georgetown Cupcake’s twitter feed for the secret flavor of the day. This cupcake would be given away, free, to the first 100 customers who ordered it by name. Running on just a cup of coffee, I waited to see if this could be a plausible snack to hold me over until lunch. “Chocolate Ganache Surpise,” Bekah read, as I shook my head and wandered back to my desk.


But wait, why was I turning down free cupcakes? Wouldn’t it be delicious? Well, yes, all of Georgetown’s offerings are superb, and they brew a solid cup of Illy coffee. During our early days of cupcake freeloading, I would have happily made the trip across the street. But by that point I had learned to skip ganache days.

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